022321 Shield Cat Build

Howdy! Coming at you today with a new build of Shield Cat! This build focuses primarily on fixing bugs and adding features as I prepare to release the Mini-Demo. I added Active Ability upgrades as well as a few more Passive Abilities. Here's the details for all the changes

===== NEW =====

  • Added 4:3 mode for that classic CRT experience.
  • The game can now keep track of the overall amount of Pretty Petals you've collected (When loading older save files, it will simply set the initial value to however many Petals you have at that time.)
  • Lance can no longer stay underwater indefinitely. If you stay underwater too long, it's game over!
  • The game also now keeps track of how many times you've received a game over.
  • Ability upgrades are now available to purchase and use for all available Active Abilities! Be sure to try them all out, if you can!
  • You can now show the play time at the top of the screen, useful for speedruns. You can also set this when creating a new file.
  • There is now a victory screen intended to be used at the end of the demo. Be sure to check it out!
  • Roxy can now tell you more about how the different abilities work and how to equip them.
  • More Passive Abilities have been added to the shop.

===== IMPROVED =====

  • The game will now show a preview of the camera shake strength in real time while selecting it.
  • The music for the forest stage has been improved significantly.
  • Any screen shake effects are now applied to *all* elements drawn on the screen (including UI elements)
  • Sprites for tall grass have been improved significantly.
  • Pretty Petals will no longer go into doorways or through NPCs, causing them to be unobtainable.

===== CHANGED =====

  • Some changes were made to comply with Steam's policies.
  • Changed the layout of font selection menus to fit better within the given space and prevent text from drawing on top of each other.
  • The spiral transition animation has been adjusted slightly.

===== BUG FIXES =====

  • Text drawing issues at high resolutions have been fixed.
  • Fixed magic meter not drawing in the correct spot at high resolutions.
  • Made it so build info on the title screen can no longer be blurred by the blur filter.
  • Fixed a spelling error where CyanSorcery was spelled "CanSorcery"
  • All letters on Patron names should now be aligned properly.
  • Fixed issues where sometimes mouse clicks wouldn't let you move through dialogue.
  • Fixed an issue where, if your mouse was idled over an on-screen menu, it would interfere with regular menu navigation with the keyboard or gamepad.
  • Unfortunately, changing fonts seems to make the game crash on Android and so it was removed on that platform.
  • Yellow vertical lines will no longer show up on the grass when the camera moves.
  • Fixed where the game would crash if an input prompt was showing on screen and you unplugged the source of the input it was showing (aka if it showed XInput and you unplugged your XInput gamepad.)
  • Fixed an issue where scales were not being enumerated correctly, making it impossible to collect all of them.
  • Fixed issue where Lance's sprite wouldn't be drawn in the right spot if you paused during certain animations.
  • Fixed issue where Lance's swimming sound would still play, even if the game was paused.
  • Fixed issue where, if Lance spun immediately after entering a room, he could be sent back to the room he was in before.
  • Fixed issue where Pretty Petals and Recovery Fish were not properly cleaned up when leaving the area.
  • Fixed issue where using Magnet to pull in collectibles could cause some of them to not draw at the right depth.
  • Fixed issue where, when Lance ran out of health, his substate wasn't properly reset.
  • Fixed an issue where the trail left when Lance does a backward skid wasn't properly drawn.
  • Fixed a bug where having owned an ability but no longer owning it could still cause it to show in the menu.
  • Fixed an issue where sound/music could be garbled when closing the game.
  • Fixed an issue where going to pick any kind of Dialogue font would lock you into it and prevent you from going back.
  • Marcus no longer gets stuck on walls.
  • Fixed an issue where spinning and then immediately throwing the shield would cause Lance to get incredible backward speed (sorry, I had to fix this one despite how funny it is)

===== KNOWN BUGS =====

  • When going to Marcus' Adventure and then to the Mode 7 Test Room, the floor is no longer drawn.
  • Marcus' screen transition doesn't work in certain scenarios.
  • The CRT Glow is broken in certain configurations.
  • The exact scale you've collected can change between builds if the stage was updated and more scales were added.

Thank You!

Thank you to the following people and everyone who supports me and makes this possible:
Accalia, Shadow8t4, BeepSterr, BenTheDragon, Bizarre Machinist , David Wolfpaw, Caliburn Absolute, Chris Badger, Clover Arizona, Spyduck, Cloud Hop, Fao, FaultBat, Flake, FoxyDude, Nutalie Frost, Gri, Goronhead, Holly Hoppet, Holly 'Frinkel' Lotor, JD Laclede , Jyrki, Kaylex Deer , Hulex Fox, Kirbizard, Kaypar, Trash, LF, LexiTheTT, Luna, Luna Moona the Little Kahuna , Durk Vash, Markus Joseph Kitsinger , Marlyn, Maxine Red, Mello the Ferret, Midori, Nenekiri Bookwyrm, Axel Husky , NovaSquirrel, Otarine, Ripp_, Rix, Cam D'Arcy, SUSHiCLAWS, Saxxon Fox, Scylla-Leeezard , Ansel Geisel, Susan Tolias, Tabby Cromarty, Vivee, meerm, megaRammy, raine


022321 Shield Cat - Android.apk 29 MB
Feb 23, 2021
022321 Shield Cat - Linux ARM.zip 18 MB
Feb 23, 2021
022321 Shield Cat - Linux x64.zip 18 MB
Feb 23, 2021
022321 Shield Cat - Windows.zip 17 MB
Feb 23, 2021

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